Korrina's Lucario is also able to use Aura, preventing Celosia's Aegislash from mind controlling those around it. Once Diamond defeated the Mothim, thus causing the Aura to be visible again, Riley and Lucario unleashed their wrath upon them.

This prevented Riley and his Pokémon from tracking their Aura, along with blinding their eyes with Vespiquen honey. Riley and Lucario had their Aura abilities blocked by two Roughnecks that were attacking Iron Island when the Roughnecks commanded their Mothim to use Air Slash, cutting up the airspace around it. Known users of Aura include Riley and his Pokémon, Lucario and Riolu. However, due to the fact that Aura is the same as sound, it can be interrupted by anything that cuts the airspace. Certain Pokémon and humans can pick up this sound, allowing them to see and sense the Auras of others. When in sync with the Trainer and by invoking the bonds with its friends, a Pokémon can use its Aura to supercharge an Aura Sphere to a gigantic size.Īura in Pokémon Adventures is explained as a wave that can be picked up by people just like sound.It can also be used to transfer Aura to others, a method that can be fatal to the user. Projection of one's Aura such as to create barriers or attacks.Ability to "sense" other Auras and view surroundings even with a blindfold, also allows users to view through some objects.Ability to read minds and actions of another being.In JN109, Lucario used this newfound synchronicity to draw power from the Aura of its allies and make its Aura Sphere grow even bigger than before. After training with Greninja, Lucario and Ash were able to sync up more than before, allowing Lucario to create a giant Aura Sphere. Greninja later demonstrated this Aura ability and helped Lucario polish its own Aura. In JN108, Ash claimed that Lucario's Aura felt similar to his bond with his Greninja. Also during the separation, Ash's Aura powers enhanced through the Key Stone, which helped him sense his Lucario from great distances. When Ash and Lucario were separated after arriving on the island, Lucario used Aura to locate the Lucarionite and telepathically guided Ash to its exact location. Using its new power, Lucario was able to sense a Lucarionite on Mega Island. In An Adventure of Mega Proportions!, Ash's Lucario had its Aura power enhanced when Ash received a Key Stone, which Korrina attributed to their already strong bond. The Legends Awaken!, Ash's newly evolved Lucario contacted its Trainer using its Aura and requested to use Aura Sphere instead of Vacuum Wave while battling Rose. However, he did follow in the footsteps of both known Aura Guardians by helping Lucario to save the Tree of Beginning and resealing Spiritomb. The only humans in the present time known to have the ability to control Aura are Riley and Ash, though Ash has chosen to continue his journey as a Pokémon Trainer rather than follow up on the revelation.

The Aura Guardians disappeared from history, for some undisclosed reason, a long time before the present era. In Sliding Into Seventh, the Pokédex entry of Medicham revealed that it has the capability to read Aura. Ash demonstrates the ability to sense Riolu's Aura several times over the remainder of the episode and the next. In Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 1), Ash and his friends meet an unnaturally strong Riolu capable of using the move Aura Sphere. In The Keystone Pops!, Ash and his friends heard the story of how a Spiritomb was sealed away by an Aura Guardian who traveled with a Pikachu. One famous Aura Guardian was Sir Aaron, who took a Lucario as his apprentice and became a hero when he sacrificed himself to stop a war from destroying the area around the Tree of Beginning. These humans, known as Aura Guardians, traveled around doing good deeds and passing on their skills to those who also possessed this innate ability.

In the Pokémon world's past, there were once humans that could sense Aura and control its power.